Maybe the reason she is quiet is that she is tired of
fighting anymore.
Maybe it’s because she is tired of being the one who always
takes the first step
Maybe she wants to sit back and see what would happen if she
just let go
Maybe she wants to give you a chance to prove you want this
to work as much as she does
Maybe she is debating whether it’s worth the fight
Or she could just be tired. Tired and wants peace of mind.
Tired and wants a break from all of it.
Tired and just needs to be alone.She has put up walls so she can examine herself in the peace and quiet.
She just wants the loud sounds to fade away, leaving only the silence and her.
She has worked hard to be who she is and she doesn’t want to
see it crumble away.
Crumbling down would mean starting all over again and
starting all over again is hard.
She has become strong over the years.
Every tear over the years helped her do that.
She has learn’t how to pick her fights.
Learn’t when to pick them.
Learn’t when to let go.
She knows when it will hurt more and chooses silence then.
She has learnt that expectations cause so much hurt.
That not everyone can be relied upon.
That not everyone loves you as much as you love them.
She knows that not having friends does not mean being
But having great friends is a blessing.
They are hard to find though and one must pick them as one
picks a great book.
She has learn’t to love herself first.
To follow the mind before the heart because the heart is
It doesn’t always
make wise decisions.
She is no longer that naive girl.
She is a woman!
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