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Showing posts from 2014

Men: Women Are Not That Complicated

When we tag you in a photo with rings, wedding gowns, wedding suits, awesome wedding venues and the like, we are tired of waiting for you to do the necessary. So could you just pop the questions. We promise to act surprised. When we keep mentioning that holiday get away package that is too good to be true, we need you to take us out. We don't have to go to that expensive exotic place, any place will do so long as it's just the two of us. When it's 7 pm in the evening and we call to remind you of the delicious food we had at a certain hotel, we do not want to cook, we want to eat out. It's mostly that we are feeling lazy on this particular day, need to be treated or don't want to deal with the aftermath of cooking at home. you know, dirty dishes and all.  If we suddenly decide to tetea the rights of children and can't stop complementing your sisters kids or a neighbors. We start to see and talk about the many beautiful babies in our life and how 'am t...

To The People That Swoop Into Our Lives When We Need Someone Even If It's For A Night,..or Hours

What Happened to peter? (Hart Of Dixie spoiler alert!) What do you think of peter?eeeh, need I say more? I am as curious as Lemon on whether she imagined peter in season 3 of Hart of Dixie. Okay, let’s relieve the moment. This is when Lemon had no ticket to go to a ball that had so many eligible bachelors and her sisters from the bells had denied her one. So, decisive Lemon calls her grandmother who is a pain in the ass but gets things done. The devilish grandmother hooks her up with a rich snob. Her nightmare begins immediately they meet and before they even leave the house (p.s Lemon looks lovely in that dress). The Pompous idiot calls her a “thoroughbred” “I consider horses more evolved than most people, oooh that was a compliment” what?! Who says that? Lemon is offended but tries to let it go. She needs to go to the ball! (In her shoes, I would let that statement go.) Check out the little balls of foam on the corner of his mouth when he talks about his plane. Yuc...

What Am I Doing With My Life?

There are times when everything in your life seems not to be working out. Times when nothing you touch turns to Gold. And at that point in life, the question “What am I doing with my life?” seems like a tune you can’t get out of your head. Img source: You start questioning your sanity. Questioning how you made everything go wrong. Questioning God on the fate of your life. Blaming yourself. Blaming everyone else. Blaming the system. Blaming your life’s choices. Choices that seemed right at the time of making. Choices that have now brought you to this predicament. Choices you cannot go back and undo. And the question lingers on: what am I doing with my life?” “My life” encompasses many things. Could be a job that’s not working for you. You have no idea what the future and your job have in common. You feel stuck. When everyone else seems busy and enjoying themselves in the office, you are busy counting the hours till close of office. You have been apply...

The Mermaid

The Mermaid, She came from the ocean, This wild girl from the sea, Her hair flowing southwards. She walked towards me, A west to east smile, With eyes steely grey, Like a storm in the darkness. Rolling in from the bay, We kissed with the sunrise, Made love when it set, A promise by moonlight, Came dawn, my regret. He left for the ocean, This boy from the land, His spirits soars northward, His heart in her hands,           --Michael Faudet

Do not stand at my grave and weep

Do not stand at my grave and weep, I am not there; I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow, I am the diamond glints on snow, I am the sunlight on ripened grain, I am the gentle autumn rain. When you awaken in the morning’s hush I am the swift uplifting rush, Of quiet birds in circled flight. I am the soft stars that shine at night. Do not stand at my grave and cry, I am not there; I did not die.   Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep   is a   poem   written in 1932 by   Mary Elizabeth Frye .


Am drowning. I try to stay afloat but I get so weak. I don't know how I got into the water because am not a swimmer. I just found myself deep in the waters and far away from the shore. I tried calling out, but my voice was too weak. Only a deep guttural sound came out. I tried waving, but something was pulling my hands down and they had become too heavy for me to carry. It's melancholic. It's a feeling I cannot even explain to myself. It's a deep feeling of gloom and my whole body is shaking. I can't tend to get out of it easily. My thoughts are jumbled and sometimes no thoughts are there. I get to destinations without having a clue as to how I got there. I am standing outside the grocery store but I noticed no one or nothing on my way. My plate is empty but I cannot describe the taste or smell of the food. I wake up in the middle of the night with tears on my chick but I have no Idea why my dream self is crying. Am reading a book and halfway through I realize I...

Am Just Gonna Go Right Ahead and Say it But Please Don't Hurt My Feelings.

I would love to carve it on stone so that the whole world knows, but I may get in trouble with the powers that govern the city. I would love it to be flown to you on a plane, coloring the whole sky in beautiful colors, but chartered planes don’t come cheap. I would love to serenade you on the street, at night, with a bunch of mariachi players, but I don’t know where to find them in Kenya. NEMA would probably have a feast with my money too if caught. I would love to send it as a surprise mail to your office, but am not sure how you would react to it. Furthermore, having your workmates relate it to you repeatedly for the rest of your life may not be the best experience. I would love to stand on top of the balcony and shout it out loud, but you and I know the furthest I can shout is the balcony. The people inside the house may not even hear it!  I would love to write it in a beautiful poem and have it published in the dailies, but God knows I am no po...

75 Things Life Is Way Too Short For

want to eat this, eat it and enjoy. then count the calories later 1. Not getting dessert. Eat the cupcake if you want it. Buy yourself a cookie if you’re craving it. These things do not need to be justified — just enjoyed. 2. Not wearing what you want because “only certain body types can pull of that look.” 3. Getting in a relationship for the wrong reasons. 4. Staying in a relationship that no longer serves you both. (Feeling like you need to go is enough, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise). 5. Breaking up with someone because your friends disapprove of them. 6. Ordering the same thing every time. 7. Cheap tequila. 8. Fighting with grandma about this year’s politically incorrect comments at the Thanksgiving table. 9. Not speaking your mind when doing so would actually be beneficial and not just catty. 10. Not trying anything once if presented the opportunity. 11. Not giving something a second chance. 12. Following...

Only Know you Love Her When You Let Her Go

Don't wait till its too late to tell someone you love them. Tell them now! Sing along..... "Let Her Go" by Passenger Well you only need the light when it's burning low Only miss the sun when it starts to snow Only know you love her when you let her go Only know you've been high when you're feeling low Only hate the road when you’re missin' home Only know you love her when you let her go And you let her go Staring at the bottom of your glass Hoping one day you'll make a dream last But dreams come slow and they go so fast You see her when you close your eyes Maybe one day you'll understand why Everything you touch surely dies But you only need the light when it's burning low Only miss the sun when it starts to snow Only know you love her when you let her go Only know you've been high when you're feeling low Only hate the road when you're missin' home Only know you love her when you let he...

She is no longer a naive girl, she is a woman

Maybe the reason she is quiet is that she is tired of fighting anymore. Maybe it’s because she is tired of being the one who always takes the first step Maybe she wants to sit back and see what would happen if she just let go Maybe she wants to give you a chance to prove you want this to work as much as she does Maybe she is debating whether it’s worth the fight Or she could just be tired. Tired and wants peace of mind. Tired and wants a break from all of it. Tired and just needs to be alone. She has put up walls so she can examine herself in the peace and quiet. She just wants the loud sounds to fade away, leaving only the silence and her. She has worked hard to be who she is and she doesn’t want to see it crumble away. Crumbling down would mean starting all over again and starting all over again is hard. She has become strong over the years. Every tear over the years helped her do that. She has learn’t how to pick her fights. Learn’t when ...