want to eat this, eat it and enjoy. then count the calories later 1. Not getting dessert. Eat the cupcake if you want it. Buy yourself a cookie if you’re craving it. These things do not need to be justified — just enjoyed. 2. Not wearing what you want because “only certain body types can pull of that look.” 3. Getting in a relationship for the wrong reasons. 4. Staying in a relationship that no longer serves you both. (Feeling like you need to go is enough, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise). 5. Breaking up with someone because your friends disapprove of them. 6. Ordering the same thing every time. 7. Cheap tequila. 8. Fighting with grandma about this year’s politically incorrect comments at the Thanksgiving table. 9. Not speaking your mind when doing so would actually be beneficial and not just catty. 10. Not trying anything once if presented the opportunity. 11. Not giving something a second chance. 12. Following...
Every experience is a lesson