Do men have emotions or do they just have a great way of hiding it? Women have been known to openly show their emotions since time immemorial. They just find it hard to hide it. I for example am an open book! Can’t hide when am angry or extremely happy. But men are a different book altogether. Sometimes you can barely tell whether they are happy or sad. It’s even hard to decipher what their feeling are sometimes. Unlike everyone else, I believe men have emotions too. They just have different ways of showing or not showing them. When a man is extremely sad, they will cry on the inside.(something to do with the ego or something like that) but a woman will wail so loudly.(The Naija women are experts in this, according to my Afrocinema days). Ever seen the look on a man’s face when he holds his newborn child? (Well, one he has accepted to be his!). The smile on his face is heavenly. They are completely moved to a point they cannot hide it at all. They will not “oh my G...
Every experience is a lesson