There are times when everything in your life seems not to be working out. Times when nothing you touch turns to Gold. And at that point in life, the question “What am I doing with my life?” seems like a tune you can’t get out of your head. Img source: You start questioning your sanity. Questioning how you made everything go wrong. Questioning God on the fate of your life. Blaming yourself. Blaming everyone else. Blaming the system. Blaming your life’s choices. Choices that seemed right at the time of making. Choices that have now brought you to this predicament. Choices you cannot go back and undo. And the question lingers on: what am I doing with my life?” “My life” encompasses many things. Could be a job that’s not working for you. You have no idea what the future and your job have in common. You feel stuck. When everyone else seems busy and enjoying themselves in the office, you are busy counting the hours till close of office. You have been apply...
Every experience is a lesson